Mantis Blackbeard abil saad kuivtreeningut läbi viia ükskõik kus. Vaheta vaid lukk Blackbeard seadme vastu, lae salves olev aku ja anna minna. Iga päästikutõmbega saadab Blackbeard välja lasersignaali ning peale igat "lasku" lähtestab päästiku.
AR-15 platvormidele mõeldud BlackbeardX viib Blackbeardi võimekuse täiesti uude dimensiooni.
BlackbeardX sisaldab MantisX-i tehnoloogiat, mis on muutnud laskeoskuste täiustamise viisi. Pakkudes reaalajas tagasisidet lasketehnika kohta, nutika juhendamise ja analüüsi abil rakenduse MantisX kaudu, ei arene sa kunagi kiiremini kui selle võimsa kombinatsiooniga.
The BlackbeardX for AR-15 platforms takes the capability of the Blackbeard into an entirely new dimension.
The BlackbeardX contains the MantisX technology that has changed the way shooter improve. Providing real-time feedback on shooting technique, with smart coaching and actionable analytics via the MantisX Pistol/Rifle app, you'll never improve faster than with this powerful combination.
Blackbeard + MantisX = BlackbeardX
But there's a whole lot more. In addition to static shooting analysis, the BlackbeardX unlocks unprecedented capability to analyze and improve dynamic shooting: high-speed movement with multi-target engagements. It sounds powerful because it is. Nothing has ever analyzed your capabilities like this before.
Installation takes less than a minute. Pop the rear pin, remove the bolt carrier group, drop in BlackbeardX, put the magazine in place to provide the power, and you're off to the races. It's a 20 second change-out. Dry fire away, counting how much money you're saving with every sweet trigger break and reset that you hear.
If you already own a Blackbeard, you only need the BlackbeardX magazine/powerbank, as it works with your existing Blackbeard BCG replacement.
Technical Laser Details: 650 nm, 60ms, Class 3R - Red laser 520 nm, 60ms, Class 3R - Green laser 780 nm, 60ms, Class 3R - IR laser Class II (<1 mW) available upon request
Compatibility: Firing chamber independent (compatible with 223/5.56, 300 BLK, 6.8 SPC, etc.) Not compatible with Fostech Echo 2 Not compatible with TriggerTech triggers Not compatible with lowers that feature a Sear Block (what is a Sear Block?) Compatibility cannot be guaranteed on 80% Lowers (what is an 80% Lower?)
Note: This kit does not include a Laser Academy access code. Laser Academy access can be purchased separately in the Laser Academy app (Android, iOS) or by purchasing the Standard or Portable Laser Academy kit.
Toode sobib kasutamiseks relvaga R-20 Rahe.
MANTIS LASER ACADEMY abil saad parandada oma laskeoskust ka väljapool lasketiiru.Komplektis nutikad märklehed, millelt Laser Academy äpp tuvastab erienvate sihtmärkide osad ning peale lasku annab koheselettabamuste osas tagasisidet.Laser Academy äpi piiratud kasutusvõimalustega äpp on tasuta.Antud komplektiga...