MANTIS Blackbeard LASKETREENER (roheline laser)


Soovid AR-15 tüüpi relvaga teha kuivtreeningut ilma vinnastamiseta iga lasu järel ?
Automaatselt lähtestuv päästik kõlab sel juhul hästi ?

274,90 €


Mantis Blackbeard abil saad kuivtreeningut läbi viia ükskõik kus. Vaheta vaid lukk Blackbeard seadme vastu, lae salves olev aku ja anna minna.
Iga päästikutõmbega saadab Blackbeard välja lasersignaali ning peale igat "lasku" lähtestab päästiku.

Tabamusi võid registreerida silmaga (laserkiir), kuid kindlasti on abiks mõni lahendus, mis laserimpulsse registreerib.
Mantis Laser Academy. Saadaval nii App Store ka Google Play poodides.
Äpp pakub sulle erinevaid treeninguid ning drille, mis kindlasti aitavad sul saada paremaks laskjaks.

You want to be able to do dry fire practice with your AR-15 without having to run the charging handle between shots.  An auto-resetting trigger sounds like the perfect thing.

This is not a drop-in trigger kit that you can swap with your trigger.  This is not a modification to your existing trigger.  This is a drop-in Bolt Carrier Group + magazine that works with your existing trigger.  It has the same weight, break, and reset. The perfect tool to condition yourself for sight height over bore holdover, failure drill, traversing multiple targets, and much much more. Your dry fire practice just became 100x more effective and engaging.

Using electromechanical wizardry, Blackbeard allows you to take up to 10 dry fire shots per second, quickly resetting the hammer between each shot.  The ultimate AR trigger reset machine.

Installation takes less than a minute.  Break open your AR, remove the bolt carrier group, drop in Blackbeard, close your baby up, and put the magazine in place to provide the power.  It's a 20 second change-out.  Dry fire away, counting how much money you're saving with every sweet trigger break and reset that you hear.

Blackbeard Bolt Carrier Group (for DI and Piston driven AR-15)
Blackbeard AR15 Magazine Powerbank

Technical Laser Details:
650 nm, 60ms, Class 3R - Red laser
520 nm, 60ms, Class 3R - Green laser
780 nm, 60ms, Class 3R - IR laser
Class II (<1 mW) available upon request

Firing chamber independent (compatible with 223/5.56, 300 BLK, 6.8 SPC, etc.)
Not compatible with Fostech Echo 2
Not compatible with TriggerTech triggers
Not compatible with lowers that feature a Sear Block (what is a Sear Block?)
Compatibility cannot be guaranteed on 80% Lowers (what is an 80% Lower?)

Note: This kit does not include a Laser Academy access code. Laser Academy access can be purchased separately in the Laser Academy app (Android, iOS) or by purchasing the Standard or Portable Laser Academy kit.

Toote üksikasjad
Kliendid, kes antud toote ostsid, on ostnud ka:

Tootekood: VT-TO


Takjakinnitusega reljeefne kummist embleem.Diameeter: 75 mm.Embleem on unikaalne, kujundatud meeskonna poolt ja on saadaval vaid meie kaupluses ning e-poes.Iga ostuga toetad 15 EUR-ga Ukrainat.Edastame kogu summa (mitte ainult embleemide müügist saadud tulu) Ukraina abiorganisatsioonidele Eestis või varustame neid parasjagu vajaminevaga.

Hind 15,25 €
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Tootekood: MT-4014

Kaubamärk: MantisX


Toode sobib kasutamiseks relvaga R-20 Rahe. MANTIS LASER ACADEMY abil saad parandada oma laskeoskust ka väljapool lasketiiru.Komplektis nutikad märklehed, millelt Laser Academy äpp tuvastab erienvate sihtmärkide osad ning peale lasku annab koheselettabamuste osas tagasisidet.Laser Academy äpi piiratud kasutusvõimalustega äpp on tasuta.Antud komplektiga...

Hind 144,90 €
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