Tactical Sweatshirt is a comfortable, sporty blouse without a hood, made entirely of pleasant to touch material. Fastened with a short zipper at the front, which makes it easier to put on and also allows you to adjust body temperature. In addition, the high collar provides additional protection against wind or sun. The sweatshirt has two pockets on the shoulders that allow you to carry documents or phone. Elastic cuffs and a large drawcord at the bottom ensure a good fit. Comfortable and sporty cut provides excellent freedom of movement, while providing protection against wind and cold, which is why it is an ideal solution for everyday wear, for the gym or for walking. Tactical character is added by Velcro panels sewn on the arms for morale patches.
Comfortable and sporty cut Fastened with a short zipper High collar Two pockets on the shoulders Two large pockets at the bottom Velcro panels on the chest and arms Elastic welt on wrist and hem Pleasant to the touch inner material Material: 60% cotton, 40% polyester Color: Ranger Green
Elastikpaeltega salvede fikseerimine
Kuju stabiilsuse tagab 3-kihiline seinakonstruktsioon
Sobib kasutamiseks M4, AR15, STG, jne salvedega
Tagasikeeramisega MOLLE kinnitused
Esikülg ja külgedel MOLLE aasad lisade kinnitamiseks
Kinnitub kahe MOLLE ribaga
Paelaga vile.Tagaküljel aas, mille abil võimalik vile kinnitada näit. MOLLE aasade vahele vms.Mõõdud: 7 x 2 cm Kaal: 9 gMaterjal: Duraflex® (EN ISO 12402-8)Pakis 2 vilet.
Condori Flex cap on tehtud stiilse ja ägedana kuid samas pakkudes kaitset sulle erinevate tegurite vastu. Mütsil on otsmikul asuva krõps paneeli sisse trükitud Condori logo.
Klassikalise US armee mudelil fliis-jakk.
Tugevdused küünarnukkidel ja õlaosal.
Pingutid krael ja alaosas, takjapaeltega pingutid mansettidel.
Lukuga taskud.
Reuleeritava pikkusega MOLLE lahingvöö.Vööl neli rivi MOLLE lasersisselõikeid.Lahingvöö siseküljel on takjaribad, mille abil on võimalik fikseerida seda takjakinnitusega püksirihmale.Värvus: oliiv